Sermon Series at First Euless
Created throughout different sermon series lead by Pastor John Meador at First Euless, these collections serve as somewhat mini brands that would carry on for different length campaigns. Often used in print and display pieces and working directly with Pastor John Meador to create some pieces that could visualize what was being taught. While Christmas at First Euless took a simple concept and brought it to a succinct visual metaphor, other series like “Are We There Yet?” were desired to give a road trip / postcard vibe. These various series used a variety of different approaches depending on what was the desired outcome / visual of the series.

A Simple Sacred Christmas
With an emphasis on the simple beauty of the Christmas story and the liturgy around that, focusing in on a subtle mark about the baby in the manager, who was shown in the stars to the shepherds, and would be hung on a cross. This brevity of the visuals speaks to the re-focus of the Christmas story.

Finding time for the Family
With a road trip metaphor running through the theme of this series, a focus on tying the family together and what the gathering looks like in the 21st century. This road trip feeling was inspired by retro Americana design and postcards, featuring heavy photoshop compositing.

Things have been flipped
The focus of this series is how the death and resurrection of Christ completely flips the world on its head, and requires Christians to revaluate so many aspects of life.

An Unconventional Approach
With the pastor presenting a surprising name and needing the visual to bridge the gap of a name like “battleground” with a series that largely was about introspection and internal strife in prayer, this more simplistic photographic approach was handled for the series.